Axis 3 “Evolving Humanities” 

  • [Cancellation] March 9 , Study day “Humans staged”, around the Dictionary of Humans (ed. M. Lequin and A. Piette, Presses universitaire de Paris Nanterre, 2022)

Coordination: Mathilde Lequin (PACEA, CNRS / University of Bordeaux)

What does the human being described by a philosopher like Seneca, by an anthropologist like Malinowski, by a sociologist like Tarde or even by a prehistorian like Leroi-Gourhan look like? What would an actor who had to play him do and what advice should the director give him to embody this theoretical human? On the occasion of the publication of the Dictionary of Anthropologies (dir. Mathilde Lequin and Albert Piette, Presses universitaire de Nanterre, 2022), this study day will show the diversity of human figures from different intellectual traditions, from philosophy and the human and social sciences to the natural sciences, from Antiquity to contemporary times.

Download the program (pdf)

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