Facilitator of Axis 2: Inclusive societies

William Berthomière is a research director at the CNRS, assigned to the PASSAGES (UMR 5319). His research activity falls within the field of studies on international migrations, diasporas and transnationalism. The theme of representations of the migration question within Israeli society and that of mobilizations in favor of exiles in the French rural world more particularly structure his research work. He is a member of the editorial board of the Revue Française des Methodes Visuell e ( RFMV ) as well as the French Association for Israel Studies (AFEIL).

Its scientific activities are mainly carried out within three major fields of research:

  1. The question of mobility and the registration of migrant populations within rural areas constitutes a first set of works.
  2. In the perspectives opened by the writing of a geography of presence, the scale of everyday life and daily practices supports the production of work and reflections on micro-geography and more broadly on the notion of public space.
  3. In terms of regional area, it maintains scientific monitoring of production concerning the Israeli-Palestinian space. The question of the relations that the State of Israel maintains with its diaspora constitutes the privileged prism of observation.

For more information: https://cv.archives-ouvertes.fr/william-berthomiere
Works on Academia:  http://u-bordeaux3.academia.edu/WilliamBerthomiere