The Bordeaux University Data Platform (PUD-Bx)
Claire KERSUZAN Progedo Engineer

Tel: (+33) 5 57 12 10 27


The Bordeaux University Data Platform (PUD-Bx), is a research and training support platform, which aims to develop the culture of quantitative data in the human and social sciences (SHS).
Its services are aimed at everyone who is interested in the use of quantitative data, whether they are researchers, teacher-researchers, engineers, doctoral students or Master's students. The PUD-Bx is a local component of the Very Large Research Infrastructure PROGEDO (PROduction and MANAGEMENT of DATA) responsible for driving and structuring a public data policy for research in the social sciences.
The PUD-Bx is supported and hosted by the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de Bordeaux (MSH-Bx) and is part of the network of different PUDs spread across the metropolitan territory.
It is led by Claire Kersuzan (research engineer, demographer) and managed by Christophe Bergouignan (scientific referent, professor of demography at COMPTRASEC).


The PUD-Bx aims to structure communities of researchers around quantitative data in SHS and to promote multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches. The main mission of university data platforms is to support students, doctoral students and researchers in the use of quantitative data and quantitative analysis methods, in order to contextualize, enrich and conduct their research analyses.

It pursues three main objectives:

  • promote the dissemination of national, European and international surveys and databases produced by official statistics to the scientific community (see What data? );
  • develop the skills of researchers around the exploitation and analysis of quantitative data;
  • integrate local SHS research into the national data dissemination framework by raising awareness of the Data Management Plan (DMP), the FAIR , and compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


PUD-Bx supports researchers at all stages of research using quantitative data. It helps to access data or to produce them, to use them, by advising on the choice of statistical methods, management, processing software, analysis, valorization and dissemination of data.

The PUD-Bx can thus help Master’s students, doctoral students and researchers:

  • When searching for existing data
    “I would like to know if there is data on a given topic”
    “I know data exists, but I don't know how to access it”
  • When getting started with data
    “I have identified some data, but I don’t know how to process it”
  • When processing data :
    I know what I would like to do with my data, but I don't know how to achieve it »
  • When interpreting and presenting the results
    “I have carried out the statistical processing that I wanted, but I am not sure of what all the indicators represent”

To support quantitative research in SHS, PUD-Bx offers different types of service:

Personalized support for the exploration and use of data in the field of human and social sciences which may concern:

  • research and access to survey data;
  • the choice and use of software;
  • the choice and application of methods of investigation, processing and analysis of data;
  • interpretation of results;
  • the preparation of Data Management Plans (DMP or DMP);
  • the publication of the datasets on Quetelet-Progedo-Diffusion, …

Training on campus, within Doctoral Schools, research laboratories or components, for better knowledge of available survey data or for the use of different software (presentation of databases and large surveys, training in the use of software or the application of specific methods, etc.)

Scientific events around data with the aim of presenting or promoting platforms, tools, software, analysis methods, surveys and databases. One of the major events organized locally each year, the second week of December, by all the PUDs in France is the Data-SHS week (consult the program of interventions for the Data-SHS week on the Bordeaux site for previous years).

– Material aid . From September 2022, the PUDx offers access to an SD-Box terminal (box for secure access to confidential CASD data) in the PUDx office (office 29 located on the 1st floor of the Maison des sciences of the man of Bordeaux). Depending on requests, the PUDx can also finance the purchase of specialized works or support access to certain operating and data processing software.

For any requests regarding training, support or the purchase of materials, contact Claire Kersuzan, IR PROGEDO-Bordeaux –