Workshop: Decolonial and universal: crossed perspectives

Axis 2 “ Inclusive societies ” of the MSH of Bordeaux

Coordination: Michel Cahen (LAM, CNRS) and Elara Bertho ( LAM, CNRS)

 • December 15, 2022 (10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Salle Jean Borde MSHBx) : Sylvère Mbondobari , reading by Antoine Litli (Inheriting the lights after Achille Mbembe)

Zoom link

This seminar of theoretical text readings is collegial. It will focus on contemporary thoughts on decoloniality, understood as a continuing process of removing coloniality from power. What universes, what stories, what epistemologies are being put in place to renew the question of the universal, of the too easily binary center/periphery relationship, of a possible outside of coloniality? Anibal Quijano, Viveiros de Castro, Joseph Tonda, Mame-Fatou Niang, Souleymane Bachir Diagne, Walter Mignolo will, for example, be read collectively and presented by one of us. Each time it will be about reading together, questioning our misunderstandings, our disagreements or, on the contrary, our enthusiasms. From these theoretical readings, these texts awaken in each of us, depending on our fields, our research, our imaginations, reflections on our own positions. As a follow-up, we are considering: a publication of a journal issue “Decolonial News, Crossed Perspectives”.

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