Study days / Workshop “ SEMIOVERSE: Semiotics of digital worlds ”, AAP MSH Bx 2022

Socialization in immersive worlds : December 5, Bordeaux Montaigne University, Amphi B200, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Organized by Ludovic Châtenet, Bordeaux Montaigne University / MICA


In recent years, and more than before, the internet has given another dimension to the existing links between the “real” world and the “virtual” world, particularly through digital platforms, social networks and online video games. semioverse project proposes to approach the current digital space as the new terrain of a semio-anthropology of “digital collectives or cultures”. The two study days organized in this framework will aim to study how immersive “virtual worlds” allow groups of individuals to form a society, to constitute their own cultures around common beliefs and references.

This second day of study will be devoted to the study of “digital worlds” defined as interactive and/or immersive devices constituting at the same time: a representational (imaged) space, co-extensive or not with the “real” world and a relational space within which “virtual bodies” develop social links. Online video games (MMO) and augmented reality or virtual reality applications such as World of Warcraft , VR Chat Meta project will make it possible to question how these devices build "worlds" and become the support for relationships. social as well as the forms of sociability they imply. What experience of the world do they provide to user-players? How are societies, communities or cultures formed?

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