Axis 1: “Multilingual territories” 

Coordination: Mariella Causa (Bordeaux Montaigne University), Stéphanie Roussel (University of Bordeaux)

• October 27, 2022, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Room 2, MSH Bx

This seminar aims to bring together researchers from different backgrounds around the theme of “bilingual education”, which is located at the crossroads of different disciplines such as linguistics, cognitive psychology, law, language teaching and more broadly related disciplines such as sociology, philosophy, sociolinguistics, sociology of language, political science, cognitive sciences, biology, neuropsychology, mathematics, statistics. The theme of "bilingual education" and therefore more broadly that of "multilingual societies" and "multilingual individuals" can be addressed both through global phenomena (language practices of transmission, bilingual dialects, linguistic rights, sequences potentially acquisitional, etc.) than local (negation, position of the verb, micro-variation, etc.). The seminar is organized along three main axes: the first is devoted to secondary and higher education, the second to legal aspects, regional languages ​​and immersive teaching, the third to multilingualisms.

Download the program (pdf)

Seminars offered as part of the scientific activities of MSH Bordeaux.

Priority audience : doctoral students
Concerned audience : doctoral students, post-doctoral students, teacher-researchers from Bordeaux universities and schools and researchers from research organizations.

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